Wednesday September 29, 2021


2 Lap Jog

High Knees (Down & Back)

Butt Kicks (Down & Back)

High Toe Touch (Down)

Low Toe Touch (Back)

Carioca (Down & Back)

10 Scapular Pullups



Banded Shoulder Distraction 1:00/Side



Strict Weighted Pullups 5x4


Use the weight vest or the belt, as heavy as possible without failing.  Modify by doing strict pullups without weight, or by doing a pullup variation (jumping pullup with controlled negative; banded; flexed arm hang; ring rows; etc.)





3 rounds:

400m run (3 laps)

21 kb swings (55/35)

12 pullups


If weather is a factor, modify the run by rowing 500m


F:  light kb; ring rows

P1:  as written

P2:  35/25

C:  70/45 kb swings; chest to bar pullups; wear a weight vest for the entire thing

Jacque Hagen