Wednesday September 7, 2022
1:30 Row/Bike
2 Rounds:
10 Plank Shoulder Taps
10/Side Lateral Raises
5/Side SA DB Thrusters
10 Penguin Jumps
10 Squat to Stand
:20/Side Samson
10 Downward Dog Toe Taps
10 Shin Switches
Back Squat
2-4x5 at 92.5% of 5 rep max
1xAMRAP at 92.5%
Two to four sets of five, followed by one AMRAP set. Finish with 3-5 sets total, depending on how much volume you can handle in combination with the WOD.
100 double unders
30 thrusters
75 double unders
20 thrusters
50 double unders
10 thrusters
25 double unders
F: single unders; light DB thrusters or wallballs
P1: 75/55 (round of 30); 95/65 (round of 20); 115/75 (round of 10)
P2: 45/35 (30); 75/55 (20); 95/65 (10); DU reps 80/60/40/20
C: 95/65 (30); 115/75 (20); 135/95 (10); DU reps 125/100/75/50