Friday April 28, 2023
1:30 bike/row
10 Russian KBS
10/side OH Press
5/side Hang KB Snatch
10 Lunge Jumps
10 Hollow Body Rocks
With an empty barbell,
10 Good Mornings
10 RDL
5 Jefferson Curls
Pigeon Pose on box :30/side
Prayer Pose on box :30/side
Deadlift 4/3/2/2
Or use this time to practice power snatch.
WOD Primer
5 cals
2 Rounds:
6 DB snatch
4 hollow body swings
2 box jumps
3 rounds:
1 minute max bike cals
1 minute rest
1 minute max alternating DB snatch
1 minute rest
1 minute max toes to bar
1 minute rest
1 minute max box jumps
1 minute rest
Your score is the total reps accomplished.
The exercises may be done in any order, but each round must be the same order. Coordinate so that everyone has access to a bike.
Choose your own DB weight.
F: ball slams instead of toes to bar
P1: as written
P2: hanging knee raises
C: power snatch 135/95 (or more) instead of dumbbell snatch; box jump overs
Combine options as desired. If you choose to power snatch, use a heavy(ish) weight with a target of 8-12 reps per round.