Friday August 13, 2021
2 Rounds:
100m Row
10/Arm Single Arm Russian KBS
5/Arm KB Clean
10 Ring Rows
5 Inchworm to Push-ups
Thread the Needle :30/Arm
Pigeon Pose :30/Side
Cleans (full or power)
Pullups or Bar Muscle Ups
The first minute is 1 of each. Second minute is 2 of each. Etc., up to 5 and then back down to 1.
Heaviest possible with good form.
Pullups can be strict, chest to bar, regular, jumping, banded, or ring rows. Choose the most challenging option that you can successfully perform.
750m row
35 pushups
15 hang power cleans
500m row
25 pushups
10 hang power cleans
250m row
15 pushups
5 hang power cleans
F: box pushups; light or empty barbell hang power cleans
P1: 135/95
P2: 95/65
C: 155/105; hang squat cleans; 25 ring dips; 15 handstand pushups