Friday August 19, 2022


1:30 Bike/Row

10 Banded OH Press

10 Banded Good Mornings

10 Banded Monster Walks

10 Reverse Lunges

10/Side RDL

10/Side Lateral Box Step ups



Wall Hinge Stretch :30

Child’s Pose 1:00



Sled Push

2-3 down and back (length of the building and back).  Rest a few minutes between sets.


Light: one 45 per side (2 total)

Medium:  one 45 and one 25 per side

Heavy:  two 45s per side

Very Heavy:  two 45s and one 25 per side

Jack:  three 45s per side


Then spend a few minutes warming up to your working weights for the barbell.




Box Jumps



Rest 3 minutes


Shoulder to Overhead

Weighted Step-ups



F:  KB SDHP; light barbell shoulder to overhead; all unweighted stepups 

P1:  185/125 deadlift; 115/75 shoulder to overhead; single 70/45 KB stepups

P1.5:  155/105, 95/65; single 55/35 KB stepups

P2:  135/95, 75/55; single 35/25 KB stepups

C:  225/155, 135/95; box jump overs (jump required); double DB stepups (50/35)

Jacque Hagen