Friday August 5, 2022
1:30 Bike/Row
10 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Banded Diagonal Pull Aparts
10 Banded Ext. Rotation Pull Aparts
10 Banded Good Mornings
10 Banded Monster Walks
10 Banded Tricep Pull Downs
10/side OH Press
10/side Lateral Raises
10 Paloff Press
Wall Hinge Stretch 1:00
Bench Press 4-5x5 at 95% of 5 rep max
This is the last week of our mini strength cycle (85% > 87.5% > 90% > 92.5% > 95%). The percentage this week will only be feasible if you’ve worked up to this over the last four weeks. If not, reduce the percentage accordingly. Also, reduce to three sets if necessary.
Next week we will retest 5 rep maxes and run this same cycle again.
3 rounds:
1 lap KB farmer carry
15 matador dips
25/20 cal row or bike
F: light KBs; box dips
P1: 55/35 KBs
P2: 35/25 KBs
C: 70/45 KBs; ring dips; row cals
Do not drop the KBs. If you need to set them down on the concrete, use the black mats.