Friday July 2, 2021
2 Rounds:
8 Inchworms to Push up
8/Leg Staggered Stance DB RDL
8 Hollow Body Swings
8 No Push up Burpees
8 Air Squats
Banded Shoulder Distraction 1:00/Side
Couch Stretch 1:00/Side
Work up to a one rep max front squat
12 good-for-yous*
30 pushups
9 good-for-yous
30 toes to bar to pullups (toes to bar followed by a pullup)
6 good-for-yous
30 pushups
3 good for yous
*1 good-for-you is:
1 front-rack right lunge
1 front-rack left lunge
1 front squat
F: kb good-for-yous; 20 pushups; 40 situps; 40 ring rows
P1: 115/75
P2: 75/55; hanging knee raises
C: 135/95; 20 handstand pushups; toes to bar to chest to bar pullups