Friday July 30, 2021


2:00 Bike/Row

2 Rounds:

10 Russian KBS

5/Arm Single Arm KB Front Squat

5/Arm Single Arm OH Press

10 V-ups



Wall Hinge Stretch 1:00

Samson Stretch :30/Side



Tempo Front Squat 4x3


Light to moderate weight.  Three second descent.  Three second pause at the bottom.  Three second ascent.


If it will be difficult to maintain good front rack positioning, modify by doing back squats. 



20 front squats

20 toes to bar

20 shoulder to overhead


3 rounds


F:  kb goblet squats; situps; light barbell or dumbbell shoulder to overhead

P1:  95/65

P2:  75/55; hanging knee raises

C:  115/75; 3 rope climbs after each round

Jacque Hagen