Friday June 10, 2022
1:30 Bike/Row
10 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Banded OH Press
10 Banded Good Mornings
10 Banded Monster Walks
10 Scapula Pushups
10 Squat Jumps
10 DB Deadlift
Wall Hinge Stretch 1:00
Push Press 8x8
No more than 30 seconds rest between sets. Reduce sets if necessary.
Then, spend some time warming up deadlifts.
5 rounds:
3 deadlifts
15 pushups
3 deadlifts
20 air squats
3 deadlifts
15/12 cal row or bike
F: 5 kb sdhp; box pushups
P1: 225/155
P2: 165/115
C: 255/175; 5 wallclimbs instead of pushups; 10 pistols (alternating r/l) instead of air squats