Friday June 23, 2023
1:30 Bike/Row
10 Russian KB Swings
10/side OH Press
5/side Hang Clean
5 Goblet Squats
5/side Thruster
10 Kip Swings
Banded Shoulder Distraction :30/side
Couch Stretch :30/side
Work up to a heavy power clean
If you are new to lifting, do hang power cleans.
WOD Primer
2 Rounds:
3 Power Cleans
3 Wallballs
3 Kip Swings
Power Cleans 9/7/5
Toes to Bar 15/12/9
Rest 2 minutes
Toes to Bar 12/9/6
Wallballs 18/15/12
Rest 2 minutes
Wallballs 15/12/9
Power Cleans 7/5/3
F: light barbell or double DB hang power cleans; situps instead of toes to bar; air squats instead of wallballs
P1: 135/95 (part 1), 155/105 (part 2)
P1.5: 115/75, 135/95
P2: 95/65, 115/75
C: 155/105, 185/125; heavy wallball
C+: squat cleans