Friday March 11, 2022
2:00 Row/Bike
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 PVC Around the Worlds
10/Arm DB Bent Over Row
10/Arm DB Lateral Raise
10 Scapula Pullups
10 Plate Hops
Banded Shoulder Distraction :30/Side
Samson Stretch :30/Side
Downward Dog 1:00
BB Warmup
10 Elbow Rotations
10 Good Mornings
5 Presses
5 Front Squats
5 Thrusters
CrossFit Open 22.3
Time Cap: 12 minutes
21 Pull-ups
42 Double Unders
21 Thrusters (95/65)
18 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
36 Double Unders
18 Thrusters (115/75)
15 Bar Muscle-ups
30 Double Unders
15 Thrusters
RX: Round of 21 (95/65), Round of 18 (115/75), Round of 15 (135/85); Double Unders
Scaled: Round of 21 (65/45 & Jumping Pull-ups); Round of 18 (85/55 & Pull-ups); Round 15 (65/105 & Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups); Single Unders