Thursday March 10, 2022
2:00 Row/Bike
10 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Banded Ext. Rotation Pull Aparts
10 Banded Upright Row
10 Banded OH Pull Downs
10 Scapula Pushups
10 Alt. V-up
:20 L-Sit Hang or Static Hold
Child’s Pose 1:00
Downward Dog :30
Bench Press
4x5 at 70% of training max
1xAMRAP at 70%
Stop 2-3 reps shot of failure on the AMRAP set.
Adjust your training max based on how many reps you got in the AMRAP set at the end of the last cycle. For every rep beyond 8 that you got, add 1.25 lbs to your training max.
EMOM 10:
1 burpee pullup
AMRAP calorie row/bike/ski in remaining time
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Add 1 burpee pullup in each subsequent round (1-10).
Your score is the total cals accomplished.
F: 1 burpee/1 ring row (etc.)
P1: chest to bar pullups
P2: regular pullups
C: burpee bar muscle ups (rounds 1-5); burpee chest to bar pullups (rounds 6-10)