Friday March 31, 2023


1:30 Bike/Row

10 PVC Pass Throughs

10 PVC Around the Worlds

:20/Side PVC PNF Stretch

10/Side Kneeling Cossack Squat

10 Bird Dogs

10 Glute Bridges


Prayer Pose on Box 1:00

Pigeon Pose on Box :30/Side



Calorie row or bike intervals


30 seconds work/30 seconds rest for 8 cycles.


Your score is your lowest cycle.


Then, spend some time warming up the barbells in the WOD.


WOD Primer

2 Rounds:

3 Deadlifts

3 Box Jumps

3 Pushups


Part 1 (cap of 6 mins):


Bench Press 15/12/9/6/3

Deadlift 15/12/9/6/3


Part 2:


Box Jumps 18/15/12/9/6

Pushups 18/15/12/9/6


Two distinct WODs here, record both times on the board.  Do Part 1 in groups so everyone has a spotter on the bench.  Start Part 2 as a group after sufficient rest. 


F:  light barbell bench; KB SDHP

P1:  135/85 bench; 185/125 deadlift

P1.5:  115/65; 155/105

P2:  95/55; 135/95

C:  155/95; 225/155; handstand pushups 15/12/9/6/3; box jump overs

BF:  185/115; 255/175; matador dips 15/12/9/6/3 instead of pushups

Jacque Hagen