Friday May 20, 2022


2:00 Bike

10 Squat to Stand

10/Arm SA Press

10 Goblet Squat

10/Leg RDL

10/Arm SA DB OH Walking Lunge

10 Donkey Kicks



Child’s Pose 1:00

Banded Hamstring Stretch :30/Side



Push Press 8x8


No more than 30 seconds rest between sets. 


Go light.  Reduce sets if necessary.


Then, spend some time warming up overhead squats.



5 rounds:

9 overhead squats

12 pushups

15/12 cal row or bike

18 situps


F:  kb goblet squats; box pushups; 12/9 cals; 15 situps

P1:  95/65

P2:  75/55

C:  115/75; deficit pushups (45/25); bike cals; 10 GHD situps


Modify the OHS by doing front squats or back squats.

Jacque Hagen