Friday May 26, 2023


1:30 bike/row

10 Cossack Squats

10/side DB RDL

10/side DB OH Press

5 Goblet Squats

5/side DB Thruster

10 Bird Dogs

10 Cat/Cows



Wall Hinge Stretch :30

Pigeon Pose :30/side



Dumbbell Bench Press 3-4x10


Use the incline bench if desired. 


Superset with:


Dumbbell Row 3-4x10 (per arm, with leg supported on bench)


WOD Primer

3 Rounds:

2 Deadlifts

2 Wallballs



4 rounds:

4 deadlifts

8 wallballs


Rest 2 minutes


2 rounds:

8 deadlifts

16 wallballs


Rest 2 minutes


1 round:

16 deadlifts

32 wallballs


F:  KB SDHP (6 reps in part 1, 12 reps in part 2, 24 reps in part 3)

P1:  225/155 (part 1), 185/125 (part 2), 155/105 (part 3)

P1.5:  185/125, 155/105, 135/95

P2:  155/105, 135/95, 115/75

C:  255/175, 225/155, 185/125

C+:  add 1 lap to each round in part 1; add 2 laps per round in part 2; add 4 laps in part 3


Combine options as desired. 

Jacque Hagen