Thursday May 25, 2023
1:30 bike/row
10 KB halos (5 each way)
10/side Russian KBS
10/side Bottoms up KB Press
:30 Hollow Body Hold
:30 Superman Hold
Banded Shoulder Distraction :30/side
Banded Hamstring Stretch :30/side
Strongman Day
3 laps KB farmer carry, setting it down as few times as possible
2-3 sled push length of the building (rest between pushes)
WOD Primer
6 cals
2 Rounds:
5 kip swings
5 kb swings
5 situps
2 rounds:
20 toes to bar
15/12 cal row or bike
35 kb swings
20/16 cals
50 situps
25/20 cals
F: reduce reps; v-ups instead of toes to bar
P1: 55/35
P2: 35/25
C: 70/45; 25 GHD situps; bike cals