Friday May 7, 2021

Warm Up
2 Rounds:
1:00 Bike/Row
8 Goblet Squats
5 Burpees
:30 KB Static Hold 

Mobility:  Wall Hinge Stretch 1:00

BB Warm-up:
10 Good Mornings
10 Elbow Rotations
5 Clean Pull
5 Power Clean
5 Front Squat
5 Push Press
5 Push Jerk 

Clean & Jerk
Work to a heavy single for the day 

10 Rounds*
3 Clean & Jerk
6 Burpees 

*Must complete three laps KB farmer carry during the WOD (can be partitioned as desired)

F: DB Hang Clean & Press (3 each side)
P1: 135/95; 55/35
P2: 95/65; 45/25
C: RDS 1-4: 155/105, RDS 5-8: 165/115, RDS 9&10: 185/125; Bar Facing Burpees; 70/55

Jacque Hagen