Thursday May 6, 2021
Warm Up
Move through each movement on right side, then movement left side
10 Bent Over Row
10 Single Arm Press
10 Single Arm Front Squat
5 Single Arm OH Squat
5 Single Arm Turkish Get up
:30 Hollow Body Hold
:30 Arch Hold
Banded Knight Stretch 1:00/Side
Banded Ankle Mobility 1:00/Side
Back Squat
Spend 10 minutes working to a heavy single for the day
Partner WOD*
In a 25 Minute Window:
3 laps run – Both Partners Run Together (500m/400m row pending weather)
20 shoulder to OH
30 toes to bar
40 medball overhead walking lunges
3 laps
30 shoulder to OH
40 pullups
50 partner medball situps
3 laps
40 shoulder to OH
50 partner medball situps
60 medball walking overhead lunges
3 laps
Max Cals in Remaining Time
*You may partition the work in any way you want but both partners perform all runs together. Your score is the total cals accumulated (or total number of reps if you don’t quite make it to the cals – note which one on the board)
** Example Partner Medball Situp (you do NOT need to lock your legs together as the video shows):
F: DB Push Press for S2OH; Bodyweight Lunges; Hanging Knee Raises, Ring Rows, Situps
P1: 95/65
P2: 75/55
C: 115/75