Friday Nov. 27, 2020
Warm Up
Mobility: Forearm Stretch 1:00
2 Rounds:
1:00 Row/Bike
:30 Active Samson
:30 Side Plank (Each Side)
:30 KB Deadlifts (Light KB)
Front Squat:
Establish a new 1RM
WOD (Strict 16-minute time cap)
3 Rounds
1k/750m Row
2 Laps Farmer Carry*
15 Bench Press
*If it’s cold, dark, or icy outside, please have athletes do the FC indoors. One lap: Start on the turf, head through the equipment room to the rig in the lifting area, behind the rig to the front of the building, back across the gym (in front of the water fountains) to the rig by the BHCF logo, behind the rig to the turf, across the turf back to the equipment room.
F: 750/500m
P1: 55/35; 75% Bodyweight
P2: 45/25; 60% Bodyweight
C: 70/55; Bodyweight
Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Pec Smash 1:00/Side