Friday Oct. 9, 2020

Warm Up
Mobility:  Banded Knight Stretch 1:00/Side 

2:00 Bike/Row, Then…
10/Leg Fire Hydrants
10/Leg Cossack Squats
10/Leg Frankensteins 
10/Leg Toe Touches 

Back Squat:
Spend 10 minutes working to a 5 RM, then…
3 x 4 @ 80% of the 5RM (rest 2:00 between sets) 

5 Rounds:
1:00 – Max Calorie Row/Bike*
1:00 – Max Lateral Barbell Burpees
1:00 – Max Thrusters 
1:00 – Rest 

*If you Rowed on Wednesday, Bike today and vice versa.

F:  Air squats for thrusters
P1: 75/55
P2: 45/35
C:  95/65

Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Rhombo Stretch :30/each way
Adductor Foam Roll

Jacque Hagen