Friday October 13, 2023
1:30 bike/row
10/way Monster walks
10 Cossack Squats
10/side Fire hydrants
10 Bird dogs
10 Glute bridges
1:00 Deep squat hold
10 Squat to stands
:20/side Samson stretch
:30 Downward dog
10 Shin switches
Hatch W4D2
Back Squat
1x8 @ 65%
1x8 @ 70%
1x8 @ 75%
1x8 @ 80%
Front Squat
1x5 @ 60%
1x5 @ 65%
2x5 @ 70%
Optional WOD of the Week
25 burpees
25 pullups
25 box jumps
25 DB snatches (alternating r/l)
8 minute time cap. In any order, partitioned as desired. Choose your own DB weight.
F: ring rows; KB swings
P1: chest to bar
P2: regular pullups
C: 30 reps of everything, in any order, but each exercise must be completed before moving on to the next (no partitioning); 50/35 DB; 10 muscle ups (ring or bar) instead of pullups; box jump overs