Friday September 17, 2021


2 Lap Jog/2:00 Row

High Knees (Down & Back)

Butt Kicks (Down & Back)

High Toe Touch (Down)

Low Toe Touch (Back)

Carioca (Down & Back)

Lunges (Down)

Inchworms x 10

Duck Walks x 20



Wall Hinge Stretch 1:00



1 mile run


Go hard, we won’t do this again until 2022. 


Modify by reducing distance or by rowing 2000m.


Then, spend a few minutes warming up to working weight for the deadlift in the WOD.



3 rounds:

10 deadlifts

15 wallballs


Begin with 25 toes to bar; end with 500m row


F:  15 kb sdhp instead of deadlifts; 30 medball v-ups instead of toes to bar

P1:  225/155

P2:  165/115

C:  275/185; heavy wallball


Anyone remember this one?  

Jacque Hagen