Thursday September 16, 2021


2 Rounds:

:30 Bike/Row

10 Russian KBS

5 Pushups

10 Hollow Body Rocks



Child’s Pose 1:00



Establish a 3 rep max push press


Another one to record for a retest later.



Double Tabata


Strict Press


KB Swings

Cal Row

Cal Bike


40 seconds work/20 seconds rest for 4 cycles (4 minutes total) at each exercise.  Your score for each exercise is the cycle with the fewest reps.  For instance if you get 12, 9, 7, 4 for pullups, your score is 4. 


One Tabata round (4 minutes each) at each of the above exercises (20 minutes total).  Exercises can be performed in any order.


F:  light barbell; ring rows; light kb

P1:  75/55; chest to bar pullups; 55/35 kb

P2:  45/35; regular pullups; 35/25 kb

C:  95/65; strict pullups; alternating DB snatch instead of kb swings (50/35)


Combine options as desired. 

Jacque Hagen