Wednesday September 15, 2021
10 Rounds of Rowling
Your goal is to stop as close to 100m as possible for each round. Add every meter you get under or over 100m for each round. The goal is to have the lowest possible score.
Hamstring Rack Stretch 1:00/Side
Thread the Needle :30/Side
Double under practice, followed by:
25 double unders
50 single unders
Modify by reducing reps (10 doubles/20 singles for example) or by doing all single unders
WOD (25 minute time cap)
300m row
75 pushups
300m row
100 situps
300m row
125 air squats
300m row
150 double unders
300m row
F: 200m row; box pushups; reduce reps (for example: 30/45/60/75)
P1: as written
P2: 250m row; 50 pushups; 75 situps; 100 air squats; 200 single unders
C: 400m row; 30 strict handstand pushups; 45 GHD situps; 60 overhead squats (75/55); 200 double unders