Friday September 25, 2020
Warm Up
Mobility: Banded Front Rack Fixer 1:00/Side
2 Rounds:
8/Arm Banded Single Arm Row
10 Duck Walks
:20 Ring hold
Front Squat (We will be starting a squat strength program next week so keep track of this number for program percentages)
Spend 10-15 minutes working to a 1RM (rest 2:00 between heavy attempts)
WOD (Strict 12-minute time cap)
Squat Cleans (135/95)
Ring Dips
F: DB Hang Power Cleans; Box Dips
P1: As written
P2: Power Cleans at 95/65; Matador dips
C: As written (or do Heavy Elizabeth: 155/105)
Post-WOD Cooldown/Mobility (optional)
Pec Smash 1:00/Side
Frog Stretch 2:00
2 Sets: Rest 1:00 between Sets
12 Glute Bridges w/ KB
12 (Total) SL RDL w/ KB