Friday September 3, 2021


2:00 Bike/Row

2 Rounds:

5/Leg Single Leg KB RDL

5 Burpees

:20 Planks

10/Leg Donkey Kicks

10 Cossack Squats

10 Hollow Body Swings



Wall Hinge Stretch 1:00

Thread the Needle :30/Side



Bench Press 8x8

1 minute rest between sets


Then, spend 5-10 minutes building up to working weight for the WOD



15 deadlifts

30 wallballs

30 toes to bar

30 burpees over the bar

15 deadlifts


F:  light deadlift; situps

P1:  225/155

P2:  165/115; hanging knee raises

C:  255/175; heavy wallball; bar facing burpees

Jacque Hagen