Thursday September 2, 2021
2:00 Bike/Row
10 PVC Around the Worlds
10 Squat Jumps
10 Behind the Neck Press
10 Back Squat
10Sots Press
10 OH Squat
Seated Wall Slides x 10
Couch Stretch :30/Side
Overhead Squat 4x3
WOD (22 minute time cap)
Overhead Squat 20/15/10/5
Cal Row or Bike 40/30/20/10
Double Unders 100/75/50/25
F: kb goblet squats; single unders; reduce reps
P1: 95/65
P2: 75/55
C: 115/75; add rope climbs 4/3/2/1 after the DU
Ladies cals: 32/24/16/8