Monday April 25, 2022


2 Rounds:

:30 Bike/Row

10 Cossack Squats

10 Mountain Climbers

10 Wallball V-ups

:30 Double or Single Unders



10 Squat to Stand

:20/Side Samson Stretch

:30 Downward Dog

10 Shin Switch



Paused Back Squat 4-5x3


As heavy as possible with good form and a solid 2 second pause at the bottom.  4 or 5 sets of 3.


This is deload week.  We will be retesting maxes next week.  If you’d like to go a little easier do 3x5 at 50%-60% of your training max.



1 round:

30 wallballs

30/25 cal row or bike


3 minute intermission


2 rounds:

15 wallballs

15/12 cals


3 minute intermission


3 rounds:

10 wallballs

10/8 cals


During the intermission, perform double unders as indicated below:


F:  reduce reps and/or air squats instead of wallballs; 50 single unders each intermission

P1:  75 double unders each intermission

P2:  50 double unders each intermission

C:  100 double unders each intermission

Jacque Hagen