Monday April 4, 2022


2 Laps or 1:30 Bike/Row

High Knees (Down & Back)

10 Cossack Squats

Butt Kicks (Down & Back)

10/side Fire Hydrants

Carioca (Down & Back)

10 Glute Bridges

High Toe Touch

10 Squat Jumps

Low Toe Touch

Duck Walks



Banded Front Rack Stretch 1:00/Side

Samson Stretch :30/Side

10 Shin Switch



Back Squat

6x3 @ 75% of training max

1xAMRAP at 75%


Stop 2-3 reps short of failure on the AMRAP set.


Adjust your training max based on how many reps you got in the AMRAP set at the end of the last cycle.  For every rep beyond 5 that you got, add 2.5 lbs to your training max.


This is the last cycle of our four-month lifting program!  Great job to those who have stuck with it.  We hope you’ve noticed the gains!



5 rounds: 

10 front squats

40 double unders

2 laps


F:  kb goblet squats; single unders

P1:  135/95

P2:  95/65; 25 DU

C:  155/105; 50 DU


Modify the run by rowing 300m.

Jacque Hagen