Monday December 6, 2021


2:00 Bike/Row


10 Kip Swings

10 Lunges

:20 Side Plank

10 KBS

:20 Hanging L Sit (modify by doing a static hanging knee raise or static hang)



Hamstring Rack Stretch 1:00/Side

Banded Shoulder Distraction :30/Side



Deadlift 4x5


Approximately 85-90% of one rep max.



In 5 minutes:

20/16 cal row or bike

8 db snatch (alternating r/l)

9 toes to bar

10 db snatch

9 toes to bar

8 db snatch

AMRAP cals in remaining time


3 rounds.  Rest 5 minutes between rounds.  Your score is the total cals accomplished.


Choose your own DB weight.  Do the workout in heats (one group goes while the other group rests) if there is a shortage of dumbbells. 


F:  reduce reps; kb swings instead of db snatch; situps

P1:  as written

P2:  hanging knee raises

C:  50/35 db; bike cals

Jacque Hagen