Monday February 27, 2023
300m Row
2 Rounds:
10 Squat Jumps
10 Mountain Climbers
10/Side OH Press
10/Side RDL
10 Squat to Stands
:20/Side Samson Stretch
:20 Downward Dog
10 Downward Dog Toe Taps
10 Shin Switches
Paused Back Squat 4-5x3
Light to moderate weight. Three to five second pause at the bottom. Focus on speed on the way up.
WOD Primer
2 Rounds:
30m row
3 wallballs
3 deadlifts
3 shoulder to overhead
750m row
35 wallballs
25 deadlifts
Rest 5 minutes
750m row
35 wallballs
25 shoulder to overhead
F: reduce reps; KB SDHP instead of deadlifts; light barbell shoulder to overhead
P1: 185/125 deadlift; 115/75 shoulder to overhead
P1.5: 155/105; 95/65
P2: 135/95; 75/55
C: 225/155; 135/95; heavy wallball