Monday February 28, 2022


1:30 Bike/Row

10 PVC Pass Throughs

2 Rounds:

10/Arm OH Press

5/Arm DB Thruster

10/Leg Donkey Kicks



10 Squat to Stand

:20/Side Samson Stretch

:20 Downward Dog

10 Shin Switch

:30/Side Banded Front Rack Stretch



Paused Back Squat 4-5x3


4 or 5 sets of 3.  2 second pause at the bottom.  Light to moderate weight.  Focus on speed standing up.


This is deload week for the lifting program.  If you need to take it easy, do:


1x5 at 40%

1x5 at 50%

1x5 at 60%



25/20 cal row or bike

25 front squats

25/20 cals

25 shoulder to overhead

25/20 cals

25 thrusters

25/20 cals


F:  kb goblet squats for FS; light or empty barbell for STO; wallballs for thrusters

P1:  135/95 FS; 115/75 STO; 95/65 thruster

P1.5: 115/75 FS; 95/65 STO; 75/55 thruster

P2:  95/65 FS; 75/55 STO; 45/35 thruster

C:  155/105 FS; 135/95 STO; 115/75 thruster

Jacque Hagen