Tuesday March 1, 2022


2 lap Jog/200m Row

High Knees (Down)

Butt Kicks (Back)

Carioca (Down & Back)

High Toe Touch (Down)

Low Toe Touch (Back)

10 Russian KBS

5/Arm KB Snatch

10 Kip Swings



T-Spine Stretch 1:00

Hamstring Stretch :30/Side


BB Warmup (5 Reps)


High Pull

Muscle Snatch

Power Snatch

Snatch Balance



Work up to a one rep max snatch or power snatch


As heavy as possible with good form.


WOD (20 minute time cap)

5 rounds:

1 lap run or 150m row

10 power snatches

1 lap run or 150m row

10 pullups

1 lap run or 150m row


F:  reduce rounds to 3 or 4; 15 kb swings for PS; 15 ring rows for pullups

P1:  95/65; chest to bar pullups

P2:  75/55; regular pullups

C:  115/75 or more; 5 bar muscle ups instead of pullups

Jacque Hagen