Monday January 13, 2025
1:30 bike/row
10 air squats
10 squat jumps
5/way halos
10/side bent over row
10/side front raise
10/side lateral raise
10 plank pull throughs
20 mountain climbers
10 scapular pushups
Child’s pose 1:00
Pigeon pose :30/side
BB warmup
5 shrugs
5 high pulls
5 muscle snatch
5 hang snatch
5 snatch balance
Work up to a heavy hang snatch (full or power)
Those new to lifting should use a light barbell or just practice DB snatches
3 rounds:
15 pushups
20 DB snatches (alternating r/l)
10 pushups
20 box jumps
F: light DB; box pushups
P1: 50/35 DB
P2: lighter DB
C: heavier DB OR 10 barbell snatches (135/95 +/-); ring pushups; DB box step ups
Then (optional)…
For time:
20/16 ski cals, then
Burpee Broad Jumps (max distance)
Choose a pullup option from the following: ring rows > jumping > regular > chest to bar > strict > or bar muscle ups 5/3/1