Tuesday January 14, 2025


2:00 bike/row

10 banded pull aparts

10 banded ext. rotation pull aparts

10 banded overhead press

10 banded good mornings

10 banded upright rows

10 banded lat pull downs

10 banded kneeling pallof press

20 wall leaning calf raises



10 squat to stands

:20/side Samson stretch

10 downward dog toe taps

10 shin switches



Back Squat 3-4x5


Start with a challenging weight and remain there for all sets, or add weight each set. 


Then, spend some time warming up to your working weight for the WOD.


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

3 hang power cleans

3 front squats

10 double unders


AMRAP 14 or 7 rounds:

Hang Power Cleans 2/4/6/8/10/12/14

Front Squats 2/4/6/8/10/12/14

Double Unders 10/20/30/40/50/60/70


F:  2x KB swings and KB goblet squats; single unders

P1:  115/75

P1.5:  95/65

P2:  75/55; half DU reps

C:  135/95

Jacque Hagen