Monday January 24, 2022


2 Rounds:

5 Cal Row

10 Air Squats

10 Russian KBS



Squat to Stand x 10

Samson Stretch :20/Side

Downward Dog :30



Back Squat

1x5 at 50% of training max

1x3 at 60%

1x1 at 70%

1xAMRAP at 75% (cap of 20)


True max effort on the AMRAP set.  If you have another rep in you, do it.  Next week is deload week.



3 rounds:

24 dumbbell snatches (alternating r/l)

12/9 cal row or bike

24 dumbbell goblet squats

12/9 cals


F:  kb swings instead of DB snatch; kb goblet squats

P1/P2:  as written – choose your own DB weight

C:  50/35 DB; single arm overhead squats instead of goblet squats (12 per arm)

Jacque Hagen