Tuesday January 25, 2022


High Knees (Down & Back)

Butt Kicks (Down & Back)

High Toe Touch (Down)

Low Toe Touch (Back)

10 Kip Swings

10 Pushups



T-Spine Opener 1:00



Bench Press

1x5 at 50% of training max

1x3 at 60%

1x1 at 70%

1xAMRAP at 75% (cap of 20)


True max effort on the AMRAP set.  If you have another rep in you, do it.  Next week is deload week.



Toes to Bar 2/4/6/8/10/8/6/4/2

Burpees 3/6/9/12/15/12/9/6/3

Double Unders 10/20/30/40/50/40/30/20/10


F:  medball v-ups instead of toes to bar; single unders

P1:  as written

P2:  hanging knee raises; cut DU reps by half

C:  double unders 15/30/45/60/75/60/45/30/15

Jacque Hagen