Monday January 3, 2022


2 Rounds:

10 Cossack Squat

5 No Pushup Burpee

5/Arm Bottoms up KB Press



10 Squat to Stand

:20/Side Samson Stretch

:20 Downward Dog

10 Downward Dog Toe Taps



Spend 10-15 minutes working up to a one rep training max back squat


A training max is approximately 90% of your true one rep max.  Work up to something heavy, but leave a little left in the tank.  There should be no deterioration in form.  If there is, it’s too heavy.


Write down your weight.  Next week we are starting a four-month strength program that requires using a training max, similar to Wendler’s 5/3/1.




5x5 at 60% of the training max, with 1 minute rest between sets



3 rounds:

20 pullups

15 front squats

20 burpees over the bar


F:  ring rows; kb goblet squats; regular burpees

P1:  135/95

P2:  95/65

C:  155/105; 10 bar muscle ups instead of pullups


This week’s WODs will be our 2022 BHCF benchmarks.  We will redo this workout (and all the workouts this week) a couple of times throughout the year to gauge progress.  Write down your time, weight, modifications, etc. for this WOD, and for all the WODs this week, so you can compare when we redo. 

Jacque Hagen