Monday July 31, 2023
1:30 Bike/Row
2 Rounds:
:30 Double or Single Unders
10 Mountain Climbers
:30 Right Side Plank
10 Kip Swings
:30 Left Side Plank
10 Squat Jumps
Banded Shoulder Distraction :30/Side
Samson Stretch :30/Side
Overhead Squat or Front Squat 4-5x3
WOD Primer
2 Round:
3 Negative Pullups
3 Barbell Squats
10 Single or Double Unders
2021 CF Games Event 11 (BHCF version)
10 pullups
10 barbell squats
30 double unders
F: ring rows; PVC or empty bar OHS (or kb goblet squats); single unders
P1: overhead squat 95/65
P1.5: overhead squat 75/55
P2: front squat 95/65
C: chest to bar pullups; single arm db overhead squats (50/35); unbroken DU
In anticipation of the CrossFit Games, this week we will be doing the 2021 CF Games (modified BHCF version) workouts. If the 2023 CF Games workouts allow, we will do them next week.