Monday July 4, 2022


1:30 Bike/Row

10 Russian KBS

5/Arm KB OH Press

5/Arm KB Hang Clean

5/Arm KB Thrusters



Thread the Needle :30/Side

Samson Stretch :30/Side



Work up to a one rep max clean and jerk.


Or use this time to just get warmed up for the WOD.





51 toes to bar

10 clean and jerks

51 wallballs

10 clean and jerks

51 burpees

10 clean and jerks

51 cal row


F:  situps; 15 kb swings instead of clean and jerks

P1:  135/95

P1.5:  115/75

P2:  95/65

C:  155/105


We miss you, Pete.  Never forgotten.


Classes at 530am/830am/11am.  All other classes are cancelled.  Happy Independence Day from BHCF!

Jacque Hagen