Monday June 13, 2022
2 Lap Jog or 1:30 Bike
High Knees (Down & Back)
10 Mountain Climbers
Butt Kicks (Down & Back)
10 Russian KBS
Carioca (Down & Back)
5/Side Hang KB Clean
High Toe Touch (Down)
:30 Plank
Low Toe Touch (Back)
5/Side SA KB Thruster
10 Squat to Stand
:20/Side Samson Stretch
:30 Downward Dog
10 Downward Dog Toe Taps
Back Squat 8x8
No more than 30 seconds rest between sets. Add weight if you were successful last week. Reduce to 5 or 6 sets if necessary.
Then, spend a few minutes warming up for the hang power cleans in the workout.
2 laps
25 hang power cleans
2 laps
Rest 2 minutes
2 laps
45 wallballs
2 laps
Rest 2 minutes
2 laps
35 pullups
2 laps
F: kb swings instead of hang power cleans; ring rows instead of pullups; 30 wallballs
P1: 135/95; chest to bar pullups
P1.5: 115/75; regular pullups
P2: 95/65; regular pullups
C: 155/105; heavy wallball; 9 bar muscle ups > 15 chest to bar pullups > 21 regular pullups