Monday June 7, 2021

Warmup (change order of run/row/bike as needed to accommodate class sizes)

1 Lap Jog
10 Bent Over BB Rows (empty BB)
100m Row
10 Ring Rows
8/10 Cal Bike
10 Air Squats


Couch Stretch 1:00/Side
Child’s Pose 1:00 


Back Squat 3x7

WOD (22 minute time cap)

15 front squats
20 pullups
3 laps
15 front squats
20 pullups
500m row
15 front squats
20 pullups
30/24 cal bike 

F:  kb goblet squats; ring rows
P1:  115/75
P2:  75/55
C:  135/95; 9 bar muscle ups instead of pullups
C+:  6 laps; 1000m row; 60/45 cal bike

The run/row/bike can be done in any order.  Coordinate with those in your class to ensure the bike or rower will be available when you want it. 

Jacque Hagen