Monday March 25, 2024


200m row

10 air squats

5 no pushup burpees

10 split squats

5 no pushup burpees

10 plank shoulder taps

5 no pushup burpees

10 cat/cows

200m row



Couch stretch :30/side

Thread the needle :30/side



Front Squat 4/3/2/1


Add weight each set, working up to a heavy single.


WOD Primer

250m row

3 rounds:

3 back squats

3 burpees


1000m row, followed by:


5 rounds:

10 back squats

10 burpees


Squat from the rack.


F:  light barbell

P1:  185/125

P1.5:  155/105

P2:  135/95

C:  225/155


The squat should be heavy; it’s ok to break each set, but not more than once per set.

Jacque Hagen