Tuesday March 26, 2024


2:00 bike/row

10 speed skaters

10 cossack squats

10 lunge jumps

10 scapular pullups

10 kip swings

10 dead bugs

20 line hops

15 banded straight arm pull downs

15 banded tricep pull downs

15 banded hollow body pull downs

:30 handstand or headstand hold



Child’s pose 1:00

Calf stretch :30/side



Handstand and Double Under Practice


Handstands:  if proficient, practice walking; if not practice being upside down (pike holds, wall holds, shoulder taps, etc.)


DU:  if proficient, go for a max UB set; if not, practice getting one or two in a row


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

3 toes to bar or hanging knee raises

4 pullups or ring rows

5 pushups

6 box jumps

10 single or double unders


5 rounds:

6 toes to bar

20 double unders

9 pullups

20 double unders

12 box jumps

20 double unders

15 pushups


20 minute time cap.


F:  3 or 4 rounds; ball slams; ring rows; box pushups; single unders

P1:  as written

P2:  hanging knee raises; 10 double unders

C:  5 bar muscle ups instead of pullups; 10 handstand pushups; box jump overs

Jacque Hagen