Monday March 6, 2023
2:00 Bike/Row
5 No pushup burpee
10 Lunges
10 WB cleans
10 Dead bugs w/ WB
10 Cat/Camels
10 Squat to Stands
:20/Side Samson Stretch
:20 Downward Dog
:20 Sphinx Pose
10 Shin Switches
Establish a one rep training max back squat
A training max is the heaviest possible with no compromise in form; typically around 90% of true one rep max.
Please record your weight. We are starting a strength program next week.
Then, spend some time warming up the hang power cleans in the WOD.
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
4 burpees
4 box jumps
4 hang power cleans (empty or light barbell)
3 rounds:
21 burpees over the bar
18 box jumps
15 hang power cleans
F: kb swings instead of hang power cleans; reduce volume
P1: 115/75
P1.5: 95/65
P2: 75/55
C: 135/95
C+: hang squat cleans