Tuesday March 7, 2023
1:30 Bike/Row
10 banded pull aparts
10 banded diagonal pull aparts
10 banded ext. rotation pull aparts
10 banded good mornings
10 banded monster walks
5/way halos
10/side OH press
5/side DB thruster
Child’s pose 1:00
Pigeon pose :30/Side
Establish a one rep training max strict press
A training max is the heaviest possible with no compromise in form; typically around 90% of true one rep max.
Please record your weight. We are starting a strength program next week.
Then, spend some time warming up the barbell for the WOD.
WOD Primer
2 rounds:
3 strict pullup or 4 ring row
3 strict press
3 front squats
3 thrusters
20 pullups
25 front squats
Rest 2 mins
20 pullups
25 shoulder to overhead
Rest 2 mins
20 pullups
25 thrusters
F: ring rows; kb goblet squats; light barbell or double DB shoulder to overhead; wallballs instead of thrusters
P1: 95/65
P1.5: 75/55
P2: 45/35
C: 115/75; 10 bar muscle ups (part 1), 20 chest to bar pullups (part 2), 30 regular pullups (part 3)