Wednesday March 8, 2023


2:00 Bike/Row

10  toe up BB RDL

10 bent over row

10 BB Good Mornings

20 Calf raises

20 plate hops

10 situps w/ plate (full extension at top)



Wall hinge stretch :30

Calf stretch :30/side



Establish a one rep training max deadlift


A training max is the heaviest possible with no compromise in form; typically around 90% of true one rep max.


Please record your weight.  We are starting a strength program next week.


WOD Primer

2 rounds:

10 double unders or single unders

5 deadlifts (light BB)

5 cals



In 3 minutes:

60 double unders

10 deadlifts

AMRAP bike cals


4 rounds.  Rest 3 minutes between rounds.  Your score is the total cals accomplished.


Do in groups so everyone has access to a bike.


F:  single unders; 15 KB SDHP

P1:  225/155

P1.5:  185/125; 45 double unders

P2:  135/95; 30 double unders

C:  255/175; 75 double unders

Jacque Hagen