Monday May 30, 2022


2 Lap Jog

High Knees (Down & Back)

Butt Kicks (Down & Back)

Carioca (Down & Back)

High Toe Touch (Down)

Low Toe Touch (Back)

Walking Lunge w/ reach (Down)

Inchworm w/ push up x 5

Duck Walk x10



Child’s Pose 1:00

Hamstring/Quad Stretch :30/Side





1 mile run

100 pullups

200 pushups

300 squats

1 mile run


If you have a weight vest or body armor, wear it.


Partition reps as desired. 


Classes at 530am, 9am, and 4pm.  BBQ after the 4pm class, rain or shine.  Thank you to all who have served, and especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to this great country. 

Jacque Hagen