Monday October 10, 2022
1:30 Bike/Row
High Knees (down & back)
Butt Kicks (down & back)
High Toe Touch (down)
Low Toe Touch (back)
Carioca (down & back)
Reverse Lunges (down)
5 Inchworms
10 Squats Jumps
10 Wallball Cleans
10 Squat to Stands
:20/Side Samson Stretch
:30 Downward Dog
10 Shin Switches
Front Squat
4-5x4 at 85% of 4 rep max
Then, spend some time warming up the barbell for the WOD.
3 rounds:
3 laps
15 hang power cleans
25 wallballs
F: kb swings instead of hang power cleans
P1: 115/75
P1.5: 95/65
P2: 75/55; 20 wallballs per round
C: 135/95; heavy wallball