Monday October 9, 2023


1:30 bike/row

10/way Monster walks

10 Cossack Squats

10/side Fire hydrants

10 Bird dogs

10 Glute bridges

1:00 Deep squat hold



10 Squat to stands

:20/side Samson stretch

:30 Downward dog

10 Shin switches



Hatch W4D1


Back Squat

1x8 @ 65%

1x8 @ 70%

1x6 @ 80%

1x6 @ 85%


Front Squat

1x5 @ 70%

1x5 @ 75%

1x5 @ 80%

1x5 @ 85%



Optional WOD of the Week


25 burpees

25 pullups

25 box jumps

25 DB snatches (alternating r/l)


8 minute time cap.  In any order, partitioned as desired.  Choose your own DB weight. 


F:  ring rows; KB swings

P1:  chest to bar

P2:  regular pullups

C:  30 reps of everything, in any order, but each exercise must be completed before moving on to the next (no partitioning); 50/35 DB; 10 muscle ups (ring or bar) instead of pullups; box jump overs


As we get further into Hatch (and the percentages go up) it takes upwards of 45 minutes to get through it all.  Accordingly, the WOD on Hatch days will be 1) a bit shorter, and 2) optional. 

Jacque Hagen